英文名称:Invasion of the Body Snatchers
电影导演:Don Siegel
电影演员:Whit Bissell
山姆·佩金法 Sam Peckinpah
Kevin McCarthy
Jean Andren
Virginia Christine
Bobby Clark
Richard Deacon
King Donovan
导 演: Don Siegel
主 演: Whit Bissell 山姆·佩金法 Sam Peckinpah Kevin McCarthy Jean Andren Virginia Christine Bobby Clark Richard Deacon King Donovan
上 映: 1956年02月05日 ( 美国 )更多地区
地 区: 美国 ( 拍摄地 )
对 白: 英语
评 分: 7.8/10( 5797票 )
颜 色: 黑白
时 长: 80 分钟
类 型: 科幻 恐怖 惊悚
分 级: 美国:Unrated 瑞典:15 澳大利亚:PG 英国:PG 芬兰:K-16
Dr Miles Bennel returns his small town practice to find several of his patients suffering the paranoid delusion that their friends or relatives are impostors. He is initially sceptical, especially when the alleged dopplegangers are able to answer detailed questions about their victim's life, but he is eventually persuaded that something odd has happened, and determines to find out what. This film can be seen as a paranoid 1950s warning against those Damn Commies, or conversely as a metaphor for the tyranny of McCarthy-ism (or the totalitarian system of Your Choice) and has a pro- and epilogue forced upon Siegel by the studio to "lighten the tone".
Kevin McCarthy .... Dr. Miles J. Bennell
Dana Wynter .... Becky Driscoll
拉里·盖茨 Larry Gates .... Dr. Dan 'Danny' Kauffman
King Donovan .... Jack Belicec
Carolyn Jones .... Theodora 'Teddy' Belicec
Jean Willes .... Nurse Sally Withers
Ralph Dumke .... Police Chief Nick Grivett
Virginia Christine .... Wilma Lentz
Tom Fadden .... Uncle Ira Lentz
Kenneth Patterson .... Stanley Driscoll
Guy Way .... Officer Sam Janzek
Eileen Stevens .... Anne Grimaldi
Beatrice Maude .... Grandma Driscoll
Jean Andren .... Eleda Lentz
Bobby Clark .... Jimmy Grimaldi
Sleep No More(1956)
They Came from Another World(1956) (USA) (working title)
Walter Wanger's Invasion of the Body Snatchers(1956) (USA) (complete title)118cha.com提供
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