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百科全书 > 黄金三镖客



英文名:Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il
Bo, el lleig i el dolent, El (Spain: Catalan title)
Bueno, el feo y el malo, El (Spain)
Due magnifici straccioni, I (Italy) (working title)
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (USA)
The Good, the Ugly, the Bad (USA) (literal English title)
The Magnificent Rogues (UK)


别名:镖客三部曲3:独行侠勇破地狱门 | 黄昏三镖客 | 善恶丑 | 独行侠决战地狱门

导演: ( 塞尔吉奥•莱昂内 Sergio Leone )

主演: (伊莱·沃勒克 Eli Wallach) (克林特·伊斯特伍德/奇连·伊士活 Clint Eastwood) (李·范·克里夫 Lee Van Cleef) (阿尔多·久弗瑞 Aldo Giuffrè) (路易吉·皮斯泰利 Luigi Pistilli) ( Rada Rassimov) 黄金三镖客全部演员表

上映:1967年12月29日 美国 详细上映地区

地区:意大利 西班牙 详细拍摄地




时长:161 min / Finland:142 min (1984) (cut version) / France:186 min (dubbed version) / Spain:182 m fb0 in / UK:180

类型:动作 冒险 西部

分级:澳大利亚:MA 意大利:VM14 美国:已认可 西班牙:13 芬兰:K-16 加拿大:A 加拿大:18 挪威:16 阿根廷:16 澳大利亚:R 加拿大:13+ 加拿大:G 加拿大:PG 智利:18 法国:-16 法国:U 冰岛:16 爱尔兰:15 爱尔兰:18 新西兰:M 新西兰:R13 挪威:15 新加坡:PG 韩国:18 瑞典:15 英国:18 英国:X

演职员表导演 塞尔吉奥•莱昂内 Sergio Leone
伊莱·沃勒克 Eli Wallach ...... Tuco
克林特·伊斯特伍德/奇连·伊士活 Clint Eastwood ...... Blondie
李·范·克里夫 Lee Van Cleef ...... Sentenza/Angel Eyes
阿尔多·久弗瑞 Aldo Giuffrè ...... Alcoholic Union Captain
路易吉·皮斯泰利 Luigi Pistilli ...... Father Pablo Ramirez
Rada Rassimov ...... Maria
Enzo Petito ...... Storekeeper
Claudio Scarchilli ...... Bounty Hunter in Ghost Town
John Bartha ...... Sheriff (as John Bartho)
Livio Lorenzon ...... Baker
Antonio Casale ...... Jackson/Bill Carson
Sandro Scarchilli ...... Deputy
Benito Stefanelli ...... Member of Angel Eyes' Gang
Angelo Novi ...... Monk
Antonio Casas ...... Stevens
Aldo Sambrell ...... Member of Angel Eyes' Gang
Al Mulock ...... One-armed Bounty Hunter (as Al Mulloch)
Sergio Mendizábal ...... Blonde Bounty Hunter (as Sergio Mendizabal)
Antonio Molino Rojo ...... Captain Harper (as Molino Rocho)
Lorenzo Robledo ...... Member of Angel Eyes' Gang
Mario Brega ...... Cpl. Wallace
Chelo Alonso ...... Stevens' Wife (uncredited)
Román Ariznavarreta ...... Bounty Hunter (uncredited)
Frank Braña ...... Bounty Hunter #2 (uncredited)
Saturno Cerra ...... Bounty Hunter (uncredited)
Luigi Ciavarro ...... Member of Angel Eye's Gang (uncredited)
William Conroy ...... Confederate Soldier (uncredited)
Jesús Guzmán ...... Pardue the Hotel Owner (uncredited)
Víctor Israel ...... Sergeant at Confederate Fort (uncredited)
Nazzareno Natale ...... Mexican Bounty Hunter (uncredited)
Ricardo Palacios ...... Bartender in Socorro (uncredited)
Romano Puppo ...... Clem (uncredited)
Antonio Ruiz ...... Stevens' Youngest Son (uncredited)
José Terrón ...... Thomas 'Shorty' Larson (uncredited)

Luciano Vincenzoni
塞尔吉奥•莱昂内 Sergio Leone
Agenore Incrocci
Furio Scarpelli

Alberto Grimaldi

埃尼奥·莫里康内 Ennio Morricone

Tonino Delli Colli

Eugenio Alabiso
Nino Baragli
Joe D'Augustine

Rino Carboni
Rino Todero

Fernando Cinquini
Aldo Pomilia
Gray Frederickson

Fabrizio Gianni
Giancarlo Santi

Carlo Leva
Carlo Simi

Vittorio De Sisti
Giuseppe Mastroianni
Elio Pacella
Fausto Ancillai

Eros Bacciucchi
Giovanni Corridori

特技演员及其他部份参与职员 费比奥·泰斯提 Fabio Testi
Franco Di Giacomo
Sergio Salvati

Carlo Bartolini
Serena Canevari
Luigi Corbo
Mickey Knox
Igino Lardani
Bruno Nicolai
Antonio Palombi
Federico Tofi
Carlo Romano
克林特·伊斯特伍德/奇连·伊士活 Clint Eastwood
Alberto Grimaldi
伊莱·沃勒克 Eli Wallach








他们要去哪里,已经不重要了,因为一个绰号“the man”的人,把他们放倒了。



其实我想说的是《善恶丑》(或者《独行侠决斗地狱门》),在看过《西部往事》之前,我还不敢妄称这是最棒的西部片。好在兄弟俩师出同门,于是我可以放心的宣称:塞尔齐奥·莱翁,是最伟大的(意大利)西部片导演。所谓意大利西部片(Spaghetti Westerns),就是由一位意大利导演,两三个美国影星,一打以上的外籍演员,为了迎合本土需求,在广袤的欧洲土地上(比如西班牙)拍摄的美国式西部片。其另类之处在于,片中人物决不会像约翰·韦恩的传统西部片那么善恶分明——好人头上的帽子永远是白的,坏人头上的帽子永远是黑的。这样的价值判断,小白兔也会做:母兔子好,大灰狼坏——而是沾染了“黑色电影”的脾性,反英雄,非主流,反乌托邦,颠覆传统。每个人都有一点点坏。按莱翁的说法就是:我非常钦佩这位伟大的乐天派,约翰·福特,他天真浪漫的足以拍“灰姑娘”了……由于他的欧洲血统,一位纯良的爱尔兰人,他总是从基督徒的角度看问题,主角们永远展望着光明丰饶的未来,而在我眼中的西方历史却是实实在在的暴力对暴力的征服。


塞尔齐奥·莱翁是给意大利西部片定型的人。从1964到1966年之间,他拍摄了著名的“美元三部曲”,分别是:《为了几块钱》(A Fistful of Dollars)、《为了更多的钱》(For a Few Dollars More)和这部《善恶丑》(Good, the Bad and the Ugly)。从中不难看出,早期的莱翁是一个跟钱较劲的人,三部曲的中心故事都是围绕“夺宝奇兵”展开的。这之后的莱翁就不一样了,变得日趋成熟,沉稳,老辣,乡愁。比如《西部往事》,《革命往事》,《美国往事》。



诙谐幽默,举重若轻,或许也正是这种表面上的肤浅击中了我,吸引着我。莱翁只不过偶尔露出一点讽刺,一点温情。政治是不重要的,蓝军的衣服粘满灰尘就成了白军,一座两军相争的大桥在统帅奄奄一息的梦想中被炸掉;而那个Tuco,刚刚与做神甫的哥哥打了一架,刚刚抹去眼泪上了马车,就开始无比骄傲的对Blondie说起哥哥是如何希望他留在那里。知晓一切的Blondie一言不发,只是递给他嘴里的半根雪茄。Tuco吸了一口,慢慢的,露出快乐的笑容。于是Ennio Morricone的主题音乐响起,我知道,他们又满怀希望,重新出发。




莱翁在25年的导演生涯中,只执导了10部影片,八部在IMDB上的评分超过7.0,其中更有五部荣登Top 250榜单,《善恶丑》又是其中排名最高的一部(第三十),超过万人投票,总分8.6。



伊斯特伍德一生的成功几乎都建立在“无名客”这个角色上,他那套著名的“Dirty Harry”简直就是无名客的翻版,1992年的大作《不可饶恕》更是指名道姓献给莱翁。但命运就是这样充满戏剧性,莱翁最初意属的理想人选本不是他,而是亨利·方达。




扮演恶徒“天使眼”的Lee Van Cleef,他演过的电影有一百零一部。他的大半生都在打斗中度过,出演最多的是诸如《忍者宗师》,《李小龙和功夫狂》这样的功夫片。然而他的第一次亮相是在《正午》。他的右手天生畸形,中指少了最后一个关节,也许这才是他在《善恶丑》的决斗中丧命的原因。



三个主角中,我要把最多的敬意献给扮演tuco的Eli Wallach,这个在《教父》第三集中背信弃义的黑手党徒,这个参加过二战的百老汇明星。为了拍火车轧断手铐的一场戏他险些送命,离火车最近时的只有六英寸,只是一点下意识的移动才救了他。而影片结尾他在墓地中的奔跑是我见过的最动人的场面,那种无与伦比的幸福晕眩和彻底自由的狂喜,甚至比《2001太空漫游》中抛到半空的蒙太奇还令我颤栗。这时我才有机会叙述一下Ennio Morricone的音乐,但我最好还是闭嘴,因为有一种力量是如此超越了语言的卑微。


Man With No Name: You may run the risks, my friend, but I do the cutting. We cut down my percentage - uh, cigar? - liable to interfere with my aim.
Tuco: But if you miss you had better miss very well. Whoever double-crosses me and leaves me alive, he understands nothing about Tuco.
Tuco: [trying to read a note] "See you soon, id...” "id...” "ids...”
Man With No Name: [taking the note] "Idiots". It's for you.
Tuco: God is on our side because he hates the Yanks.
Man With No Name: God is not on our side because he hates idiots also.
[surveying some Civil War carnage]
Man With No Name: I've never seen so many men wasted so bad.
Man With No Name: Two hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money. We're gonna have to earn it.
Baker: Here, this is for you. You did a good job for me.
[hands over a purse]
Angel Eyes: Oh I almost forgot. He payed me a thousand. I think his idea was that I kill you.
[they both laugh]
Angel Eyes: But you know the pity is when I'm paid, I always follow my job through. You know that.
Baker: Noo! Angel Eyes!
[he is shot through a pillow]
Tuco: I like big fat men like you. When they fall they make more noise.
[as they set out across the desert]
Tuco: If you save your breath I feel a man like you can manage it. And if you don't manage it, you'll die. Only slowly, very slowly old friend.
Tuco: 95 There are two kinds of people in the world, my friend: Those with a rope around the neck, and the people who have the job of doing the cutting.
fe6 Tuco: I would like to piss, it's rough. I've been shaking up in this train nearly ten hours now.
Cpl. Wallace: You smell like a pig already. Let's try not to make things any worse.
Man With No Name: You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.
[Tuco is in a bubble bath. The One Armed Man enters the room]
One Armed Man: I've been looking for you for 8 months. Whenever I should have had a gun in my right hand, I thought of you. Now I find you in exactly the position that suits me. I had lots of time to learn to shoot with my left.
[Tuco kills him with the gun he has hidden in the foam]
Tuco: When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.
[a dying man has information Tuco wants]
Tuco: Don't die, I'll get you water. Stay there. Don't move, I'll get you water. Don't die until later.
Tuco: You want to know who you are? Huh? Huh? You don't, I do, everyone does... you're the son of a thousand fathers, all bastards like you.
Angel Eyes: [as Wallace is beating Tuco] How's your digestion now?
Stevens: What are you being paid for killing me?
Angel Eyes: Five hundred dollars... to get the name.
[last lines]
Tuco: [shouting] Hey, Blond! You know what you are? Just the greatest son-of-a-b-!
Man With No Name: [counting Angel Eyes' men] One, two, three, four, five, and six. Six, the perfect number.
Angel Eyes: I thought three was the perfect number.
Man With No Name: I've got six more bullets in my gun.
Tuco: I'll kill you.
Man With No Name: If you do that... you'll always be poor... just like the greasy rat you are.
Tuco: You became a priest because you were too much of a coward to do what I do.
Man With No Name: The way I figure, there's really not too much future with a sawed-off runt like you.
[to Tuco]
Man With No Name: Tut, tut. Such ingratitude after all the times I saved your life.
[Tuco is protesting his innocence]
Tuco: I'm innocent! I'm just a simple farmer!
Sheriff: [shows Tuco the wanted poster] Come here, you! Just a simple farmer, eh? Who is this?
Tuco: Me?
Sheriff: Yeah, you.
Tuco: Who says so? You can't even read!
[the Sheriff rolls up the poster]
23 Tuco ffb : Go ahead, roll it up! I'll give a good idea where to put it!
[Tuco has captured Blondie and is planning to hang him]
Tuco: Get on that stool and put the rope around your neck. I have a different system, my friend; I don't shoot the rope, I shoot the legs from under the stool.
[Sound of distant rumbling]
Tuco: Even when Judas hanged himself there was thunder.
Man With No Name: That might be cannon fire.
Tuco: Thunder or cannon fire, it's all the same to you. Adios, Blondie.
Man With No Name: Put your drawers on, and take your gun off.
Man With No Name: Every gun makes its own tune.
Tuco: [trying to read a grave that is marked "Unknown"] Un-k... un-k... there's no name on it.
Man With No Name: [showing him a stone] There's no name here, either. See, that's what Bill Carson told me. It was the grave marked "Unknown", right beside Arch Stanton.
Tuco: One bastard goes in, another one comes out.
Tuco: You never had a rope around your neck. Well, I'm going to tell you something. When that rope starts to pull tight, you can feel the Devil bite your ass.
Jackson: The name on the grave is... water
Tuco: In the cemetary, okay, in the grave okay! But it must have a name or a number on it! Talk, damn you!
Maria: Is that you Bill? Bill!
Angel Eyes: Go on talking about Bill Carson.
[first lines]
Stevens: You're... from Baker... Tell Baker that I told him all that I know already. Tell him I want to live in peace, understand? That it's no use to go on tormenting me! I know nothing at all about that case of coins. Now that gold has disappeared, but if he'd listened, we could have avoided this altogether. I went to the Army court; there were no witnesses. They couldn't uncover any more. I can't tell Baker what happened to the money; go back and tell him that!
Man With No Name: [appearing beside Tuco] Were you gonna die alone?
Man With No Name: [has no choice but to let him die] Sorry, Shorty.
Tuco: I'm very happy you are working with me! And we're together again.
Tuco: I get dressed, I kill him and be right back.
Man With No Name: Listen, I forgot to mention... He's not alone. There's five of 'em.
Tuco: Five?
Man With No Name: Yeah, five of 'em.
Tuco: So, that's why you came to Tuco.
Tuco: It doesn't matter, I'll kill them all.
ed7 Tuco: There are two kinds of spurs, my friend. Those that come in by the door; those that come in by the window.
Bounty Hunter #2: [three bounty hunters have cornered Tuco] No! No pistol, amigo!
Mexican Bounty Hunter: [holding a wanted poster] Hey, amigo! You know you have a face beautiful enough to be worth $2000?
Man With No Name: [from behind them] Yeah, but you don't look like the one who's going to collect it.
[Lights a cigar]
Man With No Name: Couple of steps back.
[the bounty hunters draw their guns but the Man With No Name guns down all three]
[talking to a chicken he has just caught]
Tuco: If you work for a living, why do you kill yourself working?
Tuco: Hey! Everybody look! He's giving him the filth money!



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